Academic talks

  1. 2024.12, Solitons in ultralight dark matter, Winter mini-symposium @ Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  2. 2024.11, Nonminimally gravitating ultralight dark matter, Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminar @ Fudan University.
  3. 2024.09, Solitons in ultralight dark matter, Cosmology seminar @ University of Science and Technology of China.
  4. 2023.10, Neutron star cooling with symmetry-violating axions, TACOS @ Rice University.
  5. 2023.06, Unveiling the nature of wave dark matter, Cosmology Seminar @ KEK Theory Center.
  6. 2023.05, Phenomenology of wavelike vector dark matter nonminimally coupled to gravity, Pheno @ University of Pittsburgh.
  7. 2023.03, Constraining axion interactions from neutron star cooling, AU Seminar @ Rice University.
  8. 2022.11, Nonminimally coupled dark photon dark matter, AU Seminar @ Rice University.
  9. 2022.06, A singularity problem for interacting massive vectors, TASI @ CU Boulder.
  10. 2022.04, Dark photon substructure and formation of vector solitons, AU Seminar @ Rice University.
  11. 2021.10, Polarized vector oscillons, AU Seminar @ Rice University.
  12. 2021.08, Gravitational effects on oscillon lifetimes, COSMO’21 @ UIUC.
  13. 2021.04, Beyond Schrodinger-Poisson: Nonrelativistic effective field theory for scalar dark matter, AU Seminar @ Rice University.
  14. 2021.04, Gravitational effects on oscillon lifetimes, TSAPS Conference @ Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.
  15. 2020.11, Classical decay rates of oscillons, TSAPS Conference @ UT Arlington.
  16. 2020.04, Classical decay rates of oscillons, AU Seminar @ Rice University.


  1. 2024.05, Neutron star cooling with lepton-flavor-violating axions, 2nd TOPAC Conference @ Southeast University.

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