Table of contents

Numerical methods

Numerical relativity

Programming languages



C/C++ and Fortran

Data visualization

  • Python matplotlib. (1) Github matplotlib-cheatsheet. (2) To customize the plot style (figure size, fonts etc.), just write a “style” file saving in path like “C:(user name).matplotlib\stylelib\” (on Windows). See customizing matplotlib and changes to the default style for detailed description. Download my style file example.
  • Mathematica plot.(1) Choose appropriate plots. (2) Do specify PlotTheme. (3) Using MaTeX to create LaTeX fonts for ticks and labels.
  • Simple 3D Programming Using VPython
  • Use ImageMagick to create .gif from images. (1) Create .gif, convert -delay 50 -loop 0 image_*.png movie.gif. Here -delay 50 means the delay between images is 50/100 seconds, -loop 0 cause the gif to loop over and over again, and the name of images should be in proper alphabetic order like “…, image_09, image_10, image_11, …” instead of “…, image_9, image_10, image_11”.
  • Use FFmpeg to create .flv from images. (1) Create .flv, ffmpeg -i image_%04d.png -r 5 -vcodec flv movie.flv. Here -i specifies the printf string that was used to make the names of the individual plot files, -r 5 specifies the number of frames per second is 5, and -vcodec is the video codec for Flash, which is called flv.
  • Use Mathcha to draw Feynman diagrams.

Linux and windows

High performance computing

Using clusters


Advanced scientific programs/examples



Install LaTeX on Windows

  1. Download MiKTeX on the official website.
  2. Install TeXstudio to write Latex codes.
  3. To set dark theme of TeXstudio on windows, download ““.

Install LaTeX on Ubuntu

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install texlive
  3. sudo apt-get install texstudio

You can replace “texlive” by one of the following commands (click here for details)

  • texlive-base – 136 MB
  • texlive-latex-recommended – 177 MB
  • texlive – 240 MB
  • texlive-latex-extra – 404 MB
  • texlive-full – 4714 MB